Solution for Equal Rights to Education

America is known for the opportunity and rights but is it really? Although education is open to any human being, it s still as if it isn't equal. Public school students arent being properly resourced.To achieve equal rights for education, the government has to take recognition that this is a problem. Once the government realizes the failure in the united states of americas education, action will take place. Often the natural leaders that take place in public schools aren't provided with the proper resources to give the education our students to accomplish all that they can and put their talents to the best. By the government opening more programs and more resources such as computers and updated text books, it will allow the students to be motivated to learn. By doing this it can bring our country higher in the educational rate across the world.
Opening more chapter in SFER across our country will spread the word and become noticed. People will become more interested and can look into getting better policies passed for on education.
- Goals for educational rights
- Better Policies
- Spreading SFER
- opening more programs
- Resources
The chart above shows that only a small proportion of NY states funding goes to public schools.
For more information on solutions for rights on education, visit or SFER blog